Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The President of the United States of America-Barack H. Obama

Sorry for my absence. I have been extremely busy with projects I'm trying to put out in the near future and distracted by all the commotion that has enveloped the city. So on that note... today was an extremely long and cold day, yet there is no place I would have rather been than on The National Mall today. My family and I were out there pretty early ( we woke up at 4 am to leave Virginia) and got a fairly descent spot on The Mall. That is a moment that I will be able to share with my children (so cliche). So with all this talk about change I decided to try to make a conscious effort to make a positive change by committing to more community service. I feel that I can do a lot more for my fellow Americans and if I have the means to help, it would be extremely selfish not to. Today's events were a great source of inspiration and motivation for me to get on my grind. I have great faith that President Obama will lead this country in the right direction and I can't wait to see the country progress (ie. the economy, the World's perception of us, etc..). So I'm ready to be an active member of this newly energized and refreshed America and a participant in the progress that is made.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hollyweerd- Electricity Showroom Mixtape

I love this group!!! They are Hollyweerd and they are based out of the ATL. Click Here for their latest Mixtape. It's HOT!!!!

You can also check out their Myspace.